Blogger Recognition Award

Hello lovelies,

This week I was very kindly nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by the lovely Ashli from Me, You and Benny. If you haven’t already go and check her blog out, it’s fabulous, she also has a YouTube channel too!

Firstly want to thank Ashli for nominating me, I was totally not expecting it. It was a lovely surprise

I am going to list the rules below for my nominees and so you can take part if you wish to.

•Why I started blogging•

I haven’t been blogging for very long compared to some but I have just reached my 1 year bloggiversary last month. I have a real passion for photography but didn’t know how to could showcase it to people. I loved reading other people’s blogs but didn’t think I was confident enough to create my own at the time.

After about a year I decided that it was time to be brave and step outside of my comfort zone. So I created my blog and published my first ever post. The response I got from the blogging community was amazing and it has continued to be right up to present day. Other bloggers were so supportive of my blog and really helped me to feel positive and confident about my posts!

A year down the line and I don’t have any plans for stopping just yet. I love making content and taking photos to share with all of my fellow bloggers and viewers. Blogging has really helped me with my mental health, I struggle with anxiety and blogging helps me to forget about everything else going on in my life for a while. I can write about my passions which is beauty, fashion and lifestyle I love creating makeup looks and reviewing products and I’m so happy people enjoy reading my content.

I have still got a long way to go with my blog, just yesterday I upgraded my plan to premium and now have my own domain name, it feels amazing to know I have something that’s all mine and right now I couldn’t be happier!

•2 pieces of advice for new bloggers•

1 | As I said I have not been blogging for the longest time but one piece of advise I would like to give it to not get disheartened by views or likes. Try not to focus on the numbers and remember the reason you started your blog, passion! As long as you are happy with your content I believe that’s one of the most important things.

2 | Create a twitter account for your blog and join as many blogging pages as possible. Also follow other bloggers as they will support you as long as you support them. Blogger follow trains or comment swaps are really great for getting people viewing your posts and interacting!

That’s all for today, I really hope you enjoyed reading my blogging story. I want to thank Ashli again for nominating me I am so grateful!


  1. Thank the blogger for nominating you and give the link to their blog 
  2. Write a blog post on your website showing the award
  3. Describe the story of why you started your blog
  4. Write two pieces of advice you have for new bloggers
  5. Nominate 15 more bloggers
  6. Notify each of your nominees that you have nominated them

My Nominations
















9 responses to “Blogger Recognition Award”

  1. Great post, keep up the blogging! I’m just starting back into my blog again and I’d really love if you wanted to check it out:) x


  2. You, Me and Benny Avatar
    You, Me and Benny

    You’re welcome girl!!! 💕


  3. congrats on being nominated for blogger recognition award


  4. nice blog seven facts about me. i really liked it

    Liked by 1 person

  5. congratulations definitely deserved xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you so much! Xx


  6. Congrats! Great Advice. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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